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Feeling lost on how to learn even the basics of accounting? This book can help you.
When you purchase this material, you’re not just getting a book, but a shift in perspective. You’ll discover to that there are valuable insights and tips that can help you understand accounting much better. You’ll be able to do accounting computation that can eventually be your basis in evaluating personal finance and business finance.
Equip yourself with this book’s accounting knowledge that you will need in the future. It pays to be prepared.
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“Accounting is a complex topic. Why do I have to learn Accounting?”
It’s basically because Accounting is the language of business and finance. Regardless of the profession that you wish to pursue or any business that you risk to grow, understanding how finances work can only be done by learning its language – and that is Accounting. Yes, knowledge of Basic Accounting will be helpful.
Even on your personal transactions, you’ll appreciate that it is essential to know how to properly evaluate spending and saving money once you learn Accounting.
Learning something new may be not easy at first try but you should start with small steps. Your alphabet starts with A-B-C but, for a change, let’s try E-D-C-B-A:
E-D-C of [B]usiness and [A]ccounting

An economic unit that has its own records separate from its owners and other entities. Entity owners are considered as separate entity.

Charge to an account’s left-hand side for double-entry bookkeeping.

Charge to an account’s right-hand side for double-entry bookkeeping.

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